Professional Guides/Outfitters
Planning For Group Overnight Stays with Hunting All-Inclusive

It is difficult for many to realize how many hours are spent training the hunting dog. Yes, they have instinct. But, they must be trained on what to do beyond scenting the bird! This takes an enormous amount of time.
Many love to hunt upland game, yet do not have the hunting dog to successfully do so. When you are paying for a hunt, it is especially important to have a hunting dog find those birds and retrieve them back to you after the shot. We help out with this by providing access to professional guides that use their own well trained hunting dogs to help you bag your limit. We only choose guides who have demonstrated professional skills and who have dogs that meet our criteria. We firmly believe in providing quaility.
The guides are not on our payroll and they work independently for tips. Many people ask us what to tip. As with any service industry, you may figure it by percent– 20%. Or as I see most people do, they figure $20-$25 per hunter taken out in the group. After you see how hard the dog and guide work for you, you will understand why people tip like that. But again, this is independent of us and is really up to you!
They appreciate whatever you can give them.
Cherrybend Farm Guides
Mick Runk
Mick has worked at Cherrybend since the late 1990’s. Along with his English Setter, Bandit, he has guided many, many hunts here. He is responsible for the kennel as well as helping in the off season with grounds maintenance, sporting clays, and bird raising. We appreciate all of Mick’s help!
Jamie Knowles
Jamie has practically grown up on Cherrybend. He came here as a child with his father and helped collect eggs, raise birds, and learned how to guide. Jamie now is employed on the Farm fulltime as the Gamekeeper. This does limit his time to guide as he is busy in operations, however we do try to get him in the field for requests. He also works with customers on dog training at the Farm.
Ariane Sias
Ariane is our Daily Operations manager! She is a wonderful asset who has hunted since she was knee high to a grasshopper! She runs and trains GSP’s for pheasant hunting and runs beagles for rabbits. She guides and provides an oustanding experience for new and veteran hunters alike. You will likely meet Ariane when you call or stop in daily! She accepts dogs for training in the spring/summer months.
Molly Boland
Molly is a professional dog trainer and Upland Guide. She also works guiding big game hunts out West and in Alaska as well as waterfowl guiding in Arkansas. She offers professional and finish work for dog training with a proven and successful training regimen. She is available for Upland hunting at Cherrybend 7 days a week during the hunt season and for training year round. She is famous for her Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and Labradors.
Brett Lewis
Brett joined our team in 2014 and brings extensive dog training and guiding experience. Brett has trained pointing dogs with some of the top dog trainers in the country and has worked as an upland guide in Iowa, Alaska, and Ohio. Brett is also a global manager for a large local corporation and really enjoys meeting new people and serving the public.
Mark Kibler
Mark is a dedicated guide and exceptional hunter. With his GSP, Annie, he continues to impress our customers making the entire hunt a safe and memorable experience.
Scott Denny
Scott is a local hunter who enjoys working his dog for customers and always provides a fun experience in the field. With his easy-going manner and attention to detail, he serves our customers well with a memorable experience.
Joe Rice
Joe hails from Kentucky and loves bringing his German Shorthair Pointer and English Setter up to guide at our Farm. Joe’s great dog-work and warm personality make each hunt a pleasant success for our customers. He also does guided fishing trips in the summer months.
cherrybend Farm
Making a reservation is easy! Just call or email us at Cherrybend Farm.
(937) 584-4269
Office/Phone hours:
9am-5pm (Oct.1-Mar.31)
Summer Office Hours:
Sat & Sun 10am-2pm
Call for appointments.
Seasonal Hours
Hunting Season
October 1st- March 31st
Open Tuesday-Sunday
Closed Mondays (unless scheduling a special event or Holiday)
Reservations required.
Currently booking hunts beginning October 1st-March 31st
Sporting Clays & Wobble Trap
See Clays Page for hours.
The 12-Station course opens April 15th and will close Mid-October.
The 5-Stand will open November 1st.